
Car Rider Procedures for 2015-16

Morning Car Rider Drop-Off Procedures

  1. Drivers dropping off students must get in the car rider drop-off line.  This is door #2 where supervisors will be on duty to unload students.
  2. Drop off time is from 7:30-8:10.  Students arriving after 8:10 are tardy and will need to enter through the front doors to sign in at the school office.
  3. Please have students exit the vehicle along the sidewalk where a supervisor can assist them.  Do not let your child exit your vehicle further back in the line.
  4. Adults who need to come in the building with their child for some reason should park and enter through the main front doors starting at 7:30 a.m.
  5. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Afternoon Car Rider Pick-up Procedures

  1. Car rider loading will begin at 3:15 each afternoon at door # 2.
  2. The first car to arrive should form the first line on the right side/closest to the sidewalk and loading area.
  3. Please do not pull up to the loading area until 3:15 as to not block the exit in case of a fire drill or evacuation.
  4. Drivers should begin to alternate to fill up BOTH lines. (Right then Left)
  5. Once those first cars begin to move, drivers will ALTERNATE to proceed to the student pick-up area: one from the right line, the next from the left line, right, left, right, left, etc…..
  6. The goal is to eliminate the need for a “traffic director” so all staff can assist with loading students as safely and quickly as possible. 

The number one priority is the safety of our children, and the safety of all drivers and staff members is also of utmost importance.  This plan should work quite well, with everyone’s cooperation, especially when safety and smooth flow of traffic are the main objectives.

There may be a new driver in the line any day or any time.  Please remember to have patience and be flexible with others who may not be informed yet of these procedures.

Thank you for working with us to make afternoon car rider pick-up an efficient and safe daily event.


Doug Cotton